We work together with communities to create lasting and appropriate solutions to the main barriers to development.
Promote the development of indigenous communities living in extreme poverty, increasing people's capabilities to generate their own living conditions.
To be a determining factor in the eradication of extreme poverty in Mexico.
We are a non-profit development agency, which since 1994 has been promoting the welfare of rural communities, predominantly indigenous, living in poverty and extreme poverty, through participatory, inclusive and sustainable projects.

We manage change through three strategic axes (knowledge generation, improvement of living conditions and community organization).
At Fondo para la Paz we facilitate development processes that allow us to consolidate cohesive, self-managing communities with a vision of sustainable development.

Our Institutionals Principles
Individuals are worthy, capable and responsible for influencing everything that concerns them.
The fruit of our work must exceed the expectations of all the people and organizations we work with.

Our Methodology
All our actions must be aimed at promoting equal opportunities for present and future generations (Sustainable Development).
Building a better work team, institution, community and country is everyone's responsibility.
Institutional sustainability is essential for future success.
future success.
Somos una organización que busca incidir a nivel local en las condiciones de vida y procesos organizativos de la población con la que trabajamos. Es por ello que a
través de un proceso reflexivo y participativo, hemos definido el cambio que buscamos facilitar en las comunidades a través del Programa de Desarrollo Comunitario Sostenible; este cambio es en sí el sueño por el que trabajamos y que orienta nuestras acciones en los distintos contextos de participación e involucramiento y a continuación lo enunciamos:
Nuestro sueño es ayudar para que las localidades con las que trabajamos se consoliden como comunidades cohesionadas y autogestivas con una visión de desarrollo sostenible; con incidencia en la política pública local y con capacidad para forjar vinculaciones y acciones en el ámbito regional.

Change Process
First axis
Generate an exchange of knowledge as well as technology transfer appropriate to the characteristics of the environment and the needs of the community, in order to enable it to enhance its capabilities and skills to realize local and regional development projects.
Second axis
The satisfaction of basic priority needs contributes to improving the living conditions of families and the community, which generates an environment conducive to their self-sufficiency, as well as to the design of local projects that contribute to their empowerment.
The promotion of community organization as well as the identification and strengthening of the capacities of leaders at the community level, promotes the consolidation of a participatory scheme for the resolution of common problems, which will lead to the formation of a solid community organization that, through its the creation of a solid community organization that, through its participation in regional networks, will be able to have an impact on
participation in regional networks, will be able to influence the local and regional public sphere.
Third axis

Community Projects
Water and Sanitation Project

Community Day
Conservation Agriculture for social change
On February 25th we held our Community Day where we celebrated our 29th anniversary. A space where you can visit one of the seven regions where we work and share with the women and men who are working every day to transform reality and demonstrate that Sustainable Community Development is possible.
This is what we experienced:

Our Allies